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We like to ensure that all families feel valued and welcomed and your child feels settled upon them starting their learning journey with us. 

We feel that parent partnerships are beneficial in ensuring a smooth transition through to nursery whether this is our two or three year provision. 

Before your child starts Bambini we like you to come and visit! We do not require you to book a time or day for this as we like prospective parents to follow our open door policy and arrive at the setting at any point through the day and see the children exploring the environment and key learning of the day taking place. 

From this you will complete a request form in which you will detail when you would like your child to start and also what sessions you require. You will then be placed on our waiting list and you will receive a letter a month or two before your child is due to start with an acceptance slip to complete confirming your sessions are suitable. 

Once we have received your confirmation letter your place is secure and we will then arrange for the Manager and your child's key person to come and meet you and your child at your home and go through necessary paperwork and answer any questions you may have.

We feel that the home visit is beneficial in developing those first relationships between the key worker and your child in a secure environment for them. 

We will then book in your 'settling in' sessions in which you will attend for an hour each day before your child starts.  Each child is different and we are completely flexible with how you wish your settling in sessions to work throughout that week. 

Your child will then begin their exciting learning journey with us!

Please feel free to ask any questions from when you complete your visit to the end of your settling in sessions.