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Pupil Premium

The Department for Education released £50 million of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding to improve the quality of Early Years provision for disadvantaged children from April 2015.
This amounts to approximately £300 extra funding per year for each 3 & 4 year old child, who meets the criteria and is accessing their full 15 hours entitlement.

There is a weight of evidence that shows all children can benefit from access to early education, and that disadvantaged children will benefit in particular from additional resources in order to achieve outcomes on par with their peers. The funding will be targeted towards children that most need it, regardless of whether or not they live in a deprived area.

The funding will be sent to the setting and it is the settings responsibility to ensure the funding is being put into the setting to support the disadvantaged children. This may be through booking extra training for staff, liaising with settings in the local area about sharing skills, or purchasing extra resources for within the setting to support the children. Each child who is eligible for the funding will have an individual pupil premium plan which is devised with the parents and child's key worker and looks at how we can use the money to impact the child's development and their outcomes for learning. This will then be reviewed termly. 

It is the parents responsibility to complete the application form for the funding, which will be completed with your termly funding letter. There is a certain criteria to meet before the setting will be offered the funding. 

If you would like more information in regards to this please see a member of the Senior Leadership Team.